PSY’s Concert at CAURIVAL

Last night was CAURIVAL: CAU’s anniversary festival. It was held at the Anseong campus, not the Seoul one, so we had to take a bus that the International Office organized for the exchange students.

Setting up for the PSY concert.. The beer gardens were slightly off to the left.

Once we got there, there were a bunch of food tents which various student groups were running. I still can’t get over the party culture here, it’s so awesome. The fact that they had countless giant tubs of alcohol that they were selling on campus was totally different than what would happen in Canada. And this isn’t too unusual; many school groups at the Seoul campus do the same thing (sell liquor on campus to fundraise) and it’s totally normal. They were also cooking, another thing that would require hours of bureaucracy, asking permission, and signing forms, at least at VIU.

You know, somebody could choke on a wayward chunk of french fries and die, or have one too many drinks and jump off a cliff and kill themselves, so yes, it’s too dangerous. Also, the students’ cheap sale of food and drinks might detract away from the overpriced, chemically-laden non-perishable matter that the cafeteria administration calls “food”, thus lowering profits for the university, and we couldn’t let THAT happen, now could we? <– VIU/Canadian logic. Quite sad.

Okay, rant over! Let’s get back to the CAUrival…

Drinking games! Soju for everyone.

Almost everyone’s eyes were closed at this point… still so early, too! Only 7:30pm or so.

I only had a couple drinks, because I wanted to be sober enough to remember the PSY concert!

WOOHOOO! PSY! Our friend Sam, an exchange student from California, took a bunch of these photos. The ones I took with my iPhone were so crappy, so I thought I would use his. They’re great.

What a guy!


Watch the video of him performing at the school below (I didn’t film it)… I’m about 8 or 9 rows back, dead centre from the stage, and maybe a little to the left. It was a warzone!!! Luckily I could see over everyone’s heads hehe.

The place was just packed! We had an awesome time, although my feet got really trampled during the PSY concert 😦 Well worth seeing him, though! Plus it was FREE.

It was another late night getting back to the dorms, (we made it back a mere 10 minutes before the 2:00am curfew) but wow! So much fun.

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